The digital trial field FarmerSpace offers a joint experimental platform for actors from practice, research, consultancy and industry in agriculture. The goals are the definition of targets for the efficient use of digital technologies, a comparison regarding advantages in daily user life, unlocking the potential of latest developments for digital plant protection and evaluation of market available digital tools from science as an independent authority. This project promotes the understanding of functional principles of digital technologies in practice for an efficient and farm-specific integration.
- Remote sensing and drone technology
- Robotics, machine learning methods, artificial intelligence and autonomous driving
- Agricultural technology, crop production, plant diseases and plant protection
- Agricultural extension and knowledge transfer
FarmerSpace is supported by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) provides coordinating support for digitalization in agriculture as funding organization, grant number FZK 28DE104A18.

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